How to choose the right lawyer (Part 5)
When people meet me for a free consultation to talk about their case, subjects that invariably come up are the fees I charge as well as my retainer.
When people meet me for a free consultation to talk about their case, subjects that invariably come up are the fees I charge as well as my retainer.
When you come to speak to me about legal matters, anything you tell me is privileged, which means confidential. I cannot talk to anyone about what you disclosed without your explicit permission.
Most people have little direct contact with the criminal justice system. If you are being investigated or charged with a crime, you should seek experienced legal counsel to guide you through our judicial system.
Simply stated, the right lawyer is a person who is willing to fight hard for you at every stage of the case.
If you are being investigated or charged with a crime, you should seek experienced legal counsel.
Sometimes a person will come to my office and say, “I’ve been charged with a crime and I just want to plead guilty and get this over with."
Once you make it past your first appearance as a self-represented defendant the next step is to prepare for the actual trial.
Those facing a criminal crime can represent themselves at trial. I offer advice to people about how to do that, while pointing out areas where the guidance of a lawyer might make a real difference in the judicial outcome.
With the holiday season approaching, it’s a good time to remind the public of the revised laws on impaired driving, says Ottawa criminal lawyer Céline Dostaler.
With the holiday season underway, so too are the holiday RIDE Program checkpoints. Each year, law enforcement agencies across Ottawa and throughout Ontario set up checkpoints in an effort to curtail impaired driving from both alcohol and drugs.