The charge of assault covers a wide range of activities, ranging from punching someone to asking for money in a threatening manner. It is important to note that even if there is no physical contact between two people, the aggressor may face assault charges. No matter what circumstances led to it, it is a serious charge that could result in imprisonment so those accused people need to seek the advice of legal counsel.
Here is how the Criminal Code defines the act. A person commits an assault when:
(a) without the consent of another person, he applies force intentionally to that other person, directly or indirectly;
(b) he attempts or threatens, by an act or a gesture, to apply force to another person, if he has, or causes that other person to believe on reasonable grounds that he has, present ability to effect his purpose; or
(c) while openly wearing or carrying a weapon or an imitation thereof, he accosts or impedes another person or begs.
All assault charges have varying levels of severity, from simple to aggravated, with the less serious prosecuted as summary convictions. The one thing that doesn’t change with any of these charges is that you will have a criminal record upon conviction, so take these charges seriously and seek the advice of competent counsel.
The first thing to remember is that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. In every criminal case, the Crown must prove a person is guilty of an offence beyond a reasonable doubt for them to be convicted. With assault charges, the Crown must prove three things:
If there are witnesses, they can be called to testify about what they saw in relation to the incident. If no one else was there, the court will usually hear from the complainant and the accused and then determine guilt or innocence. In those instances, the court may refer to a 1991 Supreme Court of Canada decision to determine guilt.
In that seminal case, the justices ruled: “The trial judge should instruct the jury that: (1) if they believe the evidence of the accused, they must acquit; (2) if they do not believe the testimony of the accused but are left in reasonable doubt by it, they must acquit; (3) even if not left in doubt by the evidence of the accused, they still must ask themselves whether they are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt of the guilt of the accused on the basis of the balance of the evidence which they do accept.”
There are various arguments legal counsel can mount to defend you against an assault charge. The most common ones are:
A 2016 Youth Justice Court of Nova Scotia decision provides not only the historical background for the de minimis defence but also an example of when it failed after an assault.
The case involved a youth being held at a group home who hit a counsellor in the back with her fist after a dispute about access to a fresh package of bacon. When the case made it to court, the youth said that since no one was injured, she should be found not guilty on the basis of de minimis.
In her judgment, the judge noted that defence was first used in the 16th century in Taverner v. Dominion Cromwell (1594). In a 2004 case, the Ontario Court of Appeal noted: “Where there are irregularities of very slight consequence, [the law] does not intend that the infliction of penalties should be inflexibly severe. If the deviation were a mere trifle, which, if continued in practice, would weigh little or nothing on the public interest, it might properly be overlooked.”
The Nova Scotia judge also quoted former Supreme Court Justice Louise Arbour as saying the operation of the defence of de minimis “does not mean that the act is justified; it remains unlawful, but on account of its triviality it goes unpunished … [saving] courts from being swamped by an enormous number of trivial cases.”
Because of the other factors, the judge said she could not accept the de minimis defence in this case.
Intentionally spitting or coughing on someone can be considered a form of assault, especially during a pandemic. These news stories show how seriously the police deal with this issue.
In Edmonton, a man was charged with two counts of assault after allegedly repeatedly coughing on an Edmonton bus driver and transit peace officers before disclosing he had tested positive for COVID-19. He was charged under the Public Health Act for allegedly attempting to infect another individual. A police spokesperson noted, “Our society and other cities around the world are facing extreme challenges at this time and there’s a lot of anxiety out there. And it’s certainly not the time for this sort of irresponsible behaviour.”
In Calgary, three charges of assault were laid after a video showed a man on a bike spitting on an Asian woman on a skateboard, then using a racial slur against her. According to this news story, when he was confronted he spit on two other people.
During the COVID-19 lockdown, at least six Canadians faced criminal charges after alleged coughing and licking incidents, according to this news report. In one case a suspect was spotted by a witness attempting to lick products in a store, “to apparently create a TikTok video to participate in what some are calling the ‘COVID Challenge.’”
Other incidents detailed in the story talk about people intentionally coughing on officers when they are being arrested or questioned. A police spokesman noted threats of spreading COVID-19 – whether the person actually has it or not – are “very, very serious.”
Needless to say, any type of spitting, coughing, licking or other such behaviour will be very difficult to defend and justify in court, especially during a pandemic.
Assault charges are taken very seriously by the Crown, and it's crucial to consult with a lawyer before offering any statement to the police. If you face assault charges or are under investigation, engage my services as an Ottawa assault lawyer. My goal will be to have your charges dismissed by the Crown, given the accuser's credibility or the circumstances of the alleged crime. If the case proceeds to trial, I'll diligently fight for you, fully prepared each day. Contact me at 613.863.8595 for a free consultation, and let's start planning your strongest defence.